Wednesday, December 28, 2011

um.... butter...

I had lunch today with my best friend from high school, and by lunch, I mean I sat and watched him eat... And he really questioned why I was deciding to get the surgery rather than just good ole diet and exercise...

And he had me stumped...

I mean, I gave the answer that someone who wants/needs to loose as much weight as I do won't succeed using traditional methods... But why is it that I'm just now, at the age of 27 deciding to care about my weight and health...

I guess this is something I'm going to have to get use to answering... I felt almost ashamed when he kept pushing me as to why I just don't make the mindful choice to not eat as much as I do, while exercising more...

I've let myself get this fat. I imagine its just going to be something I spend the rest of my life fixing...


  1. When people reach a certain weight they would need a decent amount of money to lose that weight to pay for the gym. Then they would need a job that didn't care you spent all day that the gym. You could lose some weight, yes. But unless you had the time and money to practically live at them gym for 6 months, it will be really hard. Hell, look at some of the smaller people on The Biggest Loser. They lose a lot of weight in a short period of time but they spend at least 60% of their day at the gym.

  2. Do not feel ashamed and do not feel weak. People who think this is the easy choice are ignorant and have NO IDEA what you are going through. You will lose friends doing this...people who just can't grasp that you would do something so radical. I lost and gained the same 40 lbs in one year before I realized I could not do it myself. It has been amazing, NOT easy but just the tool I needed.

  3. It's definitely not an easy decision. It took me almost two years to lose the 100 pounds that I did. It's a long, hard road. Only you can decide what is best. There will always be judgmental people, but I had to figure out what was right for ME. Because you are the only one whose opinion matters.
